Thanksgiving Horror Movies
Summary:Even though there aren't many Thanksgiving-themed horror films, the ones that are available are excellent.
During this Thanksgiving holiday, a college student named Kristy is spending her time in her father's house, but things don't turn out the way she planned. A child has been murdered, and it turns out that the murderer was a seance. However, the Seances are not the only evils in this movie.
Oliver Blackburn's "Kristy"
Whether you're looking for a good ol' fashioned slasher or something a little more high octane, you'll find it in Oliver Blackburn's "Kristy" (yes, I said Kristy, not Lawless). With the holidays just around the corner, you're sure to find yourself huddled around the television, enjoying the festive spirit with a well-deserved glass of booze in hand. While you're at it, be sure to check out the movie's newest sequel. Featuring a star-studded cast, Oliver Blackburn's "Kristy" is bound to keep you entertained.
As for the title, Oliver Blackburn's "Kristy" follows stay-at-home student Justine (Haley Bennett) as she ventures out to the local convenience store in search of a Thanksgiving dinner worthy of her diner's finest. Along the way, she encounters a few sexy babes, a couple of sexy dudes and the requisite gizmos. While the film's title might elicit some eye-rolls, the film's big reveal is a surprisingly entertaining and enlightening tale. With a stellar cast including Haley Bennett, Chris Coy, Lucas Till and Macarena Gomez, you're sure to have a good time. So, don't forget to mark your calendars for Thanksgiving, because Kristy is coming at you in full force. Oh, and you might want to leave your wallet at home, too. For your own safety. And if you need to know where to hide the cash, Kristy is a safe bet. The film's newest sequel, "Kristy: The New Year," is set to premiere on the Lifetime network this Friday, October 31st. If you want to appreciate it with your family on Thanksgiving Day, why not download streaming video on your mobile or laptop, and cast it on your big screen?
Thanskilling 3
'ThanksKilling 3' is an absurd, hilarious horror movie. It has been praised as one of the best Thanksgiving horror films ever made. It features a killer turkey and a serial killer theme. It's also a slasher film, comedy film, and a murder film. This movie is based on the 1621 Thanksgiving massacre.
ThanksKilling is an American independent comedy-horror film. It's directed by Matthew Downey and based on the Thanksgiving massacre of 1621. Downey's writing is similar to the style of South Park, but the humor is more cartoonish. It is also quite low budget. It's been described as "cheerily awful" by Tom Russo of the Boston Globe.
ThanksKilling is about a cursed turkey that murders college students. The story is based on the 1621 Thanksgiving massacre of pilgrims. The turkey's owner is desperate for revenge and he pursues the killer. The movie also features puppets, making it scarier. The puppets are used to tell the story.
ThanksKilling 3 is a sequel to the first film. It was filmed on a small budget of $3500. The film is now available on DVD. The DVD comes with a few extras, such as a behind-the-scenes featurette and a featurette about Matthew Downey and Jordan Downey's personal connection with the movie.
ThanksKilling 3 features an original retro-soundtrack from Zain Effendi. The techno horror dubstep original music sets the scenes in chaos. The film was filmed without a permit in a public park.
Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County
Initially released in 1996, Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County was not only the first of its kind, but it was also the first pseudo-documentary film to make its way into the mainstream. Although it was made on a budget, it boasted a quality production value and made use of the sexiest locations in the United States.
The story line is a nod to the Hopkinsville Goblin incident of 1978, and predated The Blair Witch Project by a year. The film features footage of real events, but spruces it up with a splashy soundtrack, high-end special effects, and a dash of cheesiness. The film is a mashup of a number of genres, and is surprisingly well conceived and acted upon. The film's most famous star is actor Kristian Ayre, who plays Tommy McPherson, the nefarious narcissist at the heart of the story. This is the film that launched the career of actor and director Michael Buie.
The film was rereleased in Blu-ray Disc form in 2020. The film is not for the faint of heart, but its many flaws are more than outweighed by its many charms. In the end, the Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County is a worthy remastering of a true-to-life UFO abduction case study, and a worthy addition to the cult-like group of films that have been deemed worthy of a place in the pantheon of TV horror flicks.
Nettie Pena's "Home Sweet Home"
Among the many slasher movies of the 1980s, Home Sweet Home holds up as a worthwhile watch. It's not quite the greatest movie of all time, but it's a solid entry in the genre.
While the film may not be a household name, it is widely available on VHS and DVD. The slasher flick's plot is not particularly original, but it's still worth checking out if you're looking for a cheap Halloween treat.
The film stars Sally Young, Leia Naron, Charles Hoyes, and Vinessa Shaw, who was probably 4 or 5 when the movie was made. It was a long time ago. This film is also known as Bloodparty and Slasher in the House.
Aside from its neoteric story, Home Sweet Home also has a hysterical audio dubbing scheme. It's not uncommon to hear a character say the same line over and over again.
Home Sweet Home has some great kill scenes, but it also has its fair share of pedestrian slapstick. The film's plot is also a bit of a hodgepodge. The film's best scenes involve a psychotic killer (Peter DePaula) that escapes a local asylum and goes on a rampage through a secluded cabin.
The film also has a handful of other non-slasher-related notables. The most memorable of these are the carnage-filled opening scene and the hysterical one-liners from the killer's mouth. Also, the film's climax is a tad over the top, but it's a must-see.
Seances kill a murdered child
During Thanksgiving break, five college students decide to hold a seance to rid their building of a ghost. It turns out that the Seances are what you get when you mix the following ingredients: the turkey, the big bad wolf, and a handful of bloodthirsty teenagers.
The best Thanksgiving horror movies are the ones that aren't just bloody, but also have a little moxie. One such film is Seance, which is a direct-to-DVD flick that looks and feels like a slasher film. Although the movie doesn't scream out horror, it does have a lot of moxie in its portrayal of a family.
The film's plot is fairly standard, with a little bit of sex and politics thrown in for good measure. It's also a bit on the short side, at about 70 minutes, but it's a fun watch and a worthy contender in the "Thanksgiving movie" category.
"Home Sweet Home" is one of the few Thanksgiving horror movies that present carnage from a female perspective. Emily Blunt and Reign Edwards play Cody and Nicole, respectively. Their parents aren't quite what they seem. The film's title is a bit of a misnomer, as it's actually a horror comedy. It's also a bit of a hoot, and a great reminder to not talk politics at dinner.
There are many other Thanksgiving horror movies that are worth checking out. You can also stream a few now.
Kristy is a college student on Thanksgiving break
Despite its lukewarm critical reception, Kristy is a good slasher film. The premise is basic, the set-ups are sound, and the performances are good. However, the movie suffers from a predictable plot, and there aren't any thrilling moments.
Kristy follows a college student named Justine during her Thanksgiving break. After Justine's roommate leaves, she must spend the holiday alone on campus. There are masked intruders that hunt her, and she must fight for her life.
During the course of the film, Justine becomes a target of an anonymous internet-based cult that targets girls in order to appease a larger, darker cyber cult. In the process, she becomes part of a group of outcasts.
The main antagonist in Kristy is a cruel girl named Violet, who wants to kill Kristy. Her determination is fueled by hatred and jealousy. She is also part of the anti-Christian cult, which defines Christian girls as "rich" and beautiful.
The cult posts videos of ritual murders on the internet. They also refer to their victims as "Kristys" or "pure girls". The killers call any girl who is "spiritual" or religious a "Kristy" and encourage members to kill them.
Kristy is a Thanksgiving-set slasher film that predates the recent Weinstein Company scandal. It was also released on the Lifetime Channel in October. It's now available on Netflix.
Kristy is a good slasher movie, but it lacks some of the thrills and scares of other modern day slasher films. It is also a bit sluggish in the beginning. The ending is also a bit stereotypical.