When endeavoring to circumvent Netflix restrictions and download videos, the Streamfab Netflix Downloader emerges as a popular choice. In this instance, we will conduct a thorough evaluation of the features and cost-effectiveness of the Streamfab Netflix Downloader. I trust that this review will provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the Streamfab Netflix Downloader prior to making a purchase.

streamfab netflix downloader review

Introduction to StreamFab Netflix Downloader

StreamFab Netflix Downloader is a dedicated download module developed by the Chinese software provider DVDFab Software, specifically designed for Netflix. This module enables users to bypass Netflix DRM and download Netflix video files in high resolution, up to 1080p, in MP4 format.

streamfab netflix downloader review

When you first download the StreamFab Netflix Downloader, you have the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary trial. During this trial period, you may download up to three Netflix videos without any restrictions on duration, quality, or format. Once the trial period concludes, should you wish to unlock the full download capabilities, you are presented with two subscription options:

  • $39.99 per month  
  • $89.99 for a lifetime license  

Please be aware that these prices are frequently discounted. We recommend subscribing to our newsletter or bookmarking the StreamFab promotions page to remain informed about any discounts available for the StreamFab Netflix Downloader.

Main Features: Why Choose StreamFab Netflix Downloader?

StreamFab Netflix Downloader not only offers powerful downloading capabilities but also provides an exceptional user experience, allowing you to appreciate its thoughtful and outstanding design at every step of the process.

1. Lossless High Quality Output

StreamFab Netflix Downloader supports the download of movies as native, lossless 1080P high-resolution MP4/MKV files, preserving the original HDR and Dolby Vision effects, while allowing the selection of audio quality options such as Atmos, EAC3 5.1, and AAC 2.0 as needed.

Currently, many other Netflix downloaders on the market employ a re-encode mode, which means a lower quality and slower speed, whereas StreamFab consistently upholds its commitment to native DRM download mode, delivering genuinely native, lossless high-quality Netflix videos.

2. Fast Download Speed

As previously mentioned, the StreamFab Netflix Downloader utilizes native DRM download technology, resulting in a remarkably brief analysis time and exceptionally rapid download speeds. In contrast, other Netflix downloaders, which involve a re-encoding process, experience longer analysis times and slower speeds, with some relying on hardware acceleration.

For the same 45-minute Netflix episode, under identical network conditions and utilizing the same device, StreamFab accomplishes the download in merely 6 minutes, whereas competing products require 12 minutes—nearly twice the time taken by StreamFab.

How can I distinguish which Netflix downloader operates in re-encode mode?
Generally speaking, re-encoded Netflix downloaders often advertise their capability for hardware acceleration. This is due to their reliance on the Re-encode mode, which necessitates a considerable amount of time for analysis and encoding.
However, you will find that even if they boast of a 5X hardware acceleration, their actual download speeds and overall product efficacy cannot match that of StreamFab; this exemplifies the disparity created by technological barriers.

3. Exclusive Auto-Download Mode at a Set Time

For those who are devoted to binge-watching, StreamFab's exclusive automatic download feature is nothing short of a blessing. Currently, this functionality is unique to StreamFab; you can schedule a specific time for it to automatically download the latest Netflix episodes per day or per week, ensuring your viewing experience remains uninterrupted.

4. Remove Ads

In 2024, Netflix is set to raise its prices once more. However, if you have opted for the more expensive Netflix plan to relish an ad-free streaming experience, I have delightful news for you!

Even if you are a user of the ad-supported Netflix service, you can utilize the StreamFab Netflix Downloader to download ad-free content from Netflix.

Reputations & User Reviews of StreamFab Netflix Downloader

Do you think my personal assessment of StreamFab might be somewhat biased? To provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of user experience and feedback, I have extracted several reviews regarding the StreamFab Netflix Downloader reviews on Trustpilot, which boasts an overall rating of 4.5 / 5.0—certainly not a low score on Trustpilot.

1. StreamFab Gets 5 Stars because It Can Successfully Capture a Stream

streamfab netflix downloader review

A truly exceptional product speaks for itself; the authentic experiences of users demonstrate our ability to assist them in downloading videos, consistently delivering enhanced performance and superior quality.

2. Voice from User Who Get StreamFab Since the 1st Version

streamfab netflix downloader review

Upon reading this user's review, our team was profoundly touched. We are immensely grateful to every individual who has supported us since the inception of StreamFab. It is their enduring companionship, usage, and feedback that have propelled the continuous improvement of StreamFab Netflix. It is precisely due to their unwavering support that we remain steadfast in our commitment to this endeavor.

3. Works as Advertised

streamfab netflix downloader review

The marketing team at StreamFab neither exaggerates any features nor disparages our competitors. We are grateful for the myriad of Netflix downloader options in the market, which drives us to pursue continuous technological breakthroughs. I am confident that every user will recognize the distinctions between StreamFab and other Netflix downloaders. Each individual, upon pausing to try our offering, will discover that StreamFab is truly worthwhile.

4. Fix Problems in Time

streamfab netflix downloader review

Due to the inherent characteristics of streaming media, we occasionally encounter certain technical challenges; however, when we face such difficulties, other Netflix downloaders experience similar issues. Each time we receive feedback from our users, we feel a renewed confidence, as we recognize that yet another opportunity has arisen for us to earn their trust and showcase the efficacy of our product.

How to Use StreamFab Netflix Downloader

Upon completing the aforementioned content, you may now possess a comprehensive understanding of the StreamFab Netflix Downloader. Should you find that the StreamFab Netflix Downloader meets your requirements, kindly click the download button and follow the steps below to learn how to utilize it.

Click the download button above to download and install the StreamFab Netflix Downloader.
Launch the StreamFab Netflix Downloader, and you will be greeted with the following interface. Select Netflix from the VIP services in the left sidebar.

streamfab netflix downloader review: how to use

Log into your Netflix account; StreamFab will function as your browser, enabling you to discover the videos you wish to download.

streamfab netflix downloader review: how to use

When playing a video, StreamFab will automatically analyze the content. You have the option to customize the video format, resolution, audio, subtitles, episodes, and more.

streamfab netflix downloader review: how to use

After customization, you may immediately click "Download" or "Add to Queue" for later downloading.


1. Is StreamFab Netflix Downloader Safe to Use?

Of course! The StreamFab Netflix Downloader is completely secure, free from any malware. It does not collect any personal information; the account you log into is solely utilized for the video downloading process.

Regarding legality, it is important to note that the StreamFab Netflix Downloader is intended for personal use only. As long as you download videos for your own viewing and not for further distribution, it is entirely legal.

2. Can I Download 4K Netflix Movies with StreamFab?

It is regrettable that StreamFab has currently reached the highest download quality supported by Netflix, which is 1080P. The principal reason for this limitation is that the streaming source and the download source are distinct entities. Although Netflix offers some videos in 4K for streaming, it does not provide a 4K download source; therefore, no downloader can facilitate the acquisition of 4K Netflix videos.

If you encounter any advertisements online claiming to provide tools for downloading 4K Netflix content, please refrain from believing them, as the maximum download quality from Netflix remains at 1080P.


This is a comprehensive review of the StreamFab Netflix Downloader. It will assist you in circumventing all the annoying limitations on Netflix downloads. The ability to save your favorite Netflix films as permanent MP4 files is truly astonishing. It is the only genuine native lossless downloader for Netflix available on the market.