
MovPilot is a remarkable video downloader that allows you to download videos offline. It provides users with services on popular platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. If the cost of the MovPilot subscription is higher than it should be, you are facing technical problems with their service, or you want to cancel your subscription for any reason, you can cancel the MovPilot monthly or annual plan. However, please note that the lifetime plan cannot be canceled.

Here, we will provide in-depth guidance on how to cancel MovPilot subscription and everything else you must know related to its cancellation.

how to cancel movpilot subscription

Process of How to Cancel MovPilot Subscription

You can follow some quick steps to cancel your MovPilot subscription. Here are the steps:

First, check your subscription confirmation email, which you received when you initially purchased the MovPilot subscription. In it, you will find your order ID, the product plan you have subscribed to, and your email address.
You should contact MovPilot by email to provide your relevant information. Explain to them concisely and clearly that you want to cancel your subscription.

how to cancel movpilot subscription 

After contacting MovPilot's customer service department to cancel your subscription, you should patiently wait three business days for a response. If you don't get a response from the MovPilot team within three days, you should send a follow-up email to seek appropriate assistance.

The above three steps will help you to cancel your subscription easily.

Is MovPilot Free?

No. You need to pay for using Movpilot. It provides limited free trial, which allows users to download the first six minutes of any movie or TV show. A paid subscription to the MovPilot Video Downloader costs US$99.95 for 1 year. 

Can I Cancel my MovPilot Subscription at Any Time?

Your MovPilot subscription cancellation depends on the circumstances. For example, suppose you want to cancel the subscription due to technical issues with their service that the MovPilot support team can't help you solve. In that case, they will consider canceling your subscription and paying you a refund according to their Refund Policy.

Better Alternatives: StreamFab Video Downloader

If you repeatedly encounter technical issues while using MovPilot, such as poor video quality, buffering problems, etc., it can seriously impact your satisfaction with the service. As a subscriber, you deserve a consistent video download experience. If MovPilot cannot meet those expectations, you may cancel your subscription and search for reliable MovPilot alternatives like StreamFab Video Downloader.

cancel movpilot subscription and choose streamfab as an alternative

A high-performance tool that offers lossless video download with EAC3 5.1, AC3 5.1, and AAC 2.0 audio tracs from 1000+ online sites and 40+ VOD servces. 

Key Features
  • Download videos in up to original lossless 8K/4K/1080P resolution
  • Automatically download new releases at a scheduled time
  • Enables Remux subtitles into videos or save them as SRT files
  • Download audio & subtitles in different languages of your prefer
  • Download multiple videos simultaneously and fast

Operation Steps

Just follow some easy steps to use the StreamFab Video Downloader as mentioned hereunder:

Download, launch, and open StreamFab Video Downloader on your computer. Select a supported VIP service from the menu or add the video URL to the search bar.

cancel movpilot subscription and choose streamfab as an alternative

Find and play your selected video in StreamFab's built-in browser. It will immediately analyze the video content and display the download panel.

cancel movpilot subscription and choose streamfab as an alternative

Tap the Download Now tab to initiate downloading the videos.

cancel movpilot subscription and choose streamfab as an alternative


If you are a non-lifetime member of MovPilot Video Downloader, now you know how to cancel MovPilot subscription, and it is as simple as writing an email to MovPilot's customer service department. However, Lifetime members can also avail a refund within 30 days of subscription purchase, given a reasonable ground.

In addition, you can subscribe to the StreamFab Video Downloader, a better alternative to the MovPilot Video Downloader, to seamlessly download high-quality streaming videos.