Pornhub is the first name that comes to our mind whenever we think of watching X-rated videos. It has gained a solid fan base among adult entertainment lovers, given the extensive library of porn content spread across a vast genre ranging from amateur to LGBTQ and more.

You will have to subscribe to the Pornhub Premium plan to enjoy its uploads in 4K quality. And even once you subscribe to the costly plan, the adult entertainment website doesn’t offer any option to download pornhub 4k video for offline viewing. Today we are going to try and fill in this loophole with our recommendation on the pornhub 4k downloader, which can help save your favorite videos on your preferred device to be enjoyed even when there is no internet connectivity.

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Does Pornhub Have 4K Content?

Yes. With a premium subscription, you can enjoy the best acts of adult stars in 4K quality. But is you are a free user, 4K resolution is unavailable.

Please note that, even if you paid for the access to 4K content on Pornhub, it is still not allowed to download these 4K videos directly. Suppose you have a faulty internet connection, and the buffering internet can hardly support the 4K quality. How frustrating! In such a case, it's best to opt for a professional pornhub 4k downloader, which can save your preferred 4K videos from Pornhub on your device.

How to Download Pornhub 4K Videos?

1. Tool Required: StreamFab Pornhub Downloader

download pornhub 4k video

Download Pornhub videos in up to 1080P/4K and save them in MP4/MKV format with AAC 2.0 audio track.

Key Features
  • Download Pornhub video in lossless 4K resolution with AAC 2.0 audio track.
  • Download multiple 4K Pornhub videos in batches.
  • Even VR videos are supported for download.
  • Remove ads from Pornhub videos when downloading automatically.
  • Download Pornhub 4K videos in MP4/MKV format for flexible playbacks.

2. Steps To Download Pornhub 4k Video Using StreamFab Pornhub Downloader

Step 1: Install and Launch StreamFab Pornhub Downloader

Start by installing and opening StreamFab Pornhub Downloader. Go to the "Adult Services" section within the app and select the "Pornhub" logo on the right-hand side to access the site.

how to download pornhub 4k video

Step 2: Choose Video Format and Quality

Using StreamFab's built-in browser, visit Pornhub. A pop-up will appear when you start playing a video, allowing you to select your preferred video resolution and format.

how to download pornhub 4k video

Step 3: Initiate the Download

Click the 'Download' button to download 4k from pornhub. Alternatively, you can select 'Add to Queue' to save the video for later download."

how to download pornhub 4k video


StreamFab Pornhub Downloader has earned the trust of over 80 million users globally, with its impressive track record of surpassing 100 million downloads. The platform's user-friendly interface and cutting-edge features make it a top choice to download pornhub 4k video. Unlike other tools, StreamFab ensures that essential metadata—such as title, size, format, and length—is preserved and organized, preventing the chaos of unmanaged video files.

This downloader not only allows you to access videos from all regional Pornhub sites but also supports downloading in stunning 4K MP4 format. With its built-in browser, StreamFab simplifies the process of exploring and saving your favorite Pornhub videos, making it a comprehensive solution for all your downloading needs.